Monday, January 24, 2011


Well, it´s been a pretty exciting week here. The reason this email is a later in the day is because Wellington, the ward member I live with here, took us to see waterfalls for our P-day. It was quite exciting. I stood at the top of an 84 meter waterfall called Cahoeira de Itambé. It was pretty scary to stand at the top of it. Unfortunately we didn´t get to go to a good spot to take a picture of that one. Another one we went to was called Cachoeira de Serras. It was amazing. I took a bunch of cool pictures and some videos there. I thought a lot about the waterfalls in the movie ``The Mission´´. These weren´t nearly as big but still pretty big and in the middle of Brazil. We also got lost on some crazy trails looking for another waterfall. It was a fun experience. It was me, my companion, Wellington and two other missionaries Elder Hull and Elder Antone (Christensen from the CTM).

This past week was really stressful and also really good. Our difficulty right now is that many people just don´t want to keep commitments. We are having a lot of difficulty getting new investigators to church. It´s been quite a qhile since we have had any new ones at church. But the firm ones we are already working with are still progressing and give us the hope we need to keep working. In the mission we have standardized mission goals, basically a minimum of lessons/contacts/etc. that the president wants us to get weekly. President asked my Zone specifically to fulfill all of our numbers by Saturday night. He is trying lots of new things with my Zone because we are doing really well despite being the smallest zone in the mission. It´s cool to see that we are all working pretty hard. I really love me LZs (zone leaders). They are really powerful missionaries that are leading the way for us.

Congratulations to Matthew and Nate Foster on their mission calls. I have been so anxious to hear about where people are going. And I can´t believe James Knight leaves so soon too. It´s so exciting to hear people making this wonderful choice. Here I definitley see a lot of young men losing desire to go. We have a long list of young men of age to serve but have no desire to go. We are preparing one here, Alessandro, already 25 years old. He is really excited to serve and he likes to go out and work with us whenever his busy works schedule allows him to. I bet he will be called to the United States because he already speaks English very well. The Lord needs more young men like Matt, Nate, James and Alessandro to keep pushing on this marvelous work.

Well I think I already told most of the exciting stuff that happened this week. Things are going great and I´m more excited than ever to keep working. I went through a few days of discouragement because we aren´t having the success I would like. But I´m a lot more encouraged now. Maybe the waterfalls did it. I´m also not sick anymore...woohoo! I hope you all have yet another great week. I love you all.

Elder McLelland

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