Monday, December 5, 2011

Good News/Bad News (11-28-11)

Bad news #1: Elder Hepworth, one of my former companions, was sent
home hearly for health problems. Before the mission he had an
infection and the antibiotics killed all the bacteria in his body,
even the good bacteria which the digestive system needs. He struggled
with chronic diarrhea on the mission and to top it off the original
infection came back. He was sent home and if he wants he can maybe
finish his mission time in the States. Bummer.

Bad news #2: Elder Mariano was also sent home because of his age. He
got lucky to be able to do a short term mission for a year. But One of
the Seventies decided it was best for him to go home and establish
himself in a career and get married. So he only had 6 weeks on the
mission but ahd the honor of baptizing a complete family. I joked with
him that he served as if it was a full time mission, he baptized a
family and wore out a pair of shoes. This makes three companions of
mine that had to go home early. They are dropping like flies.

Good News #1: I stayed in Cidade Jardim again. I feel like I live here
now. But it´s so exciting to be working with this family we baptized.
My new companion is going to be Elder Castro. I haven´t met him yet.
He should be getting here later this afternoon.

Bad News #3: We will be companions for only two weeks.


Good News #2: In two weeks I am going to be training again. But this
time it will be an African!!! They are a few coming from Mozambique. I
get to have yet another son. I´m so excited to have this opportunity.
They speak Portuguese there in Mozambique but the accent and stuff is
going to be way different. I´m eager to learn about his culture. Elder
Castro is also going to train an African. I´m not sure if he will end
up staying in Cidade Jardim and I get transferred to train somewhere
else. I have a feeling that this might happen. It will be good to show
Castro around the area before it happens. But we will see in two

The family we baptized is super excited about the Church. They are
worried about opposition that will likely come from extended family.
Their relatives are all very strong in Evangelical churches and will
most likely criticize them for it. But Jair was telling us that he has
been praying lately to know what to do. He had a spiritual impression
that really helped him a lot. He just started feeling really good and
thinking, ``why am I ashamed? I´m in the right Church, why should the
things they say affect me?`` I shared Romans 1:16 ``For I am not
ashamed of the Gospel of Christ...`` I love this family so much. They
are already so Mormon. They are giving us referrals and are already
super involved in the ward activities. I love the mission. We have
some more good prospects for baptisms soon too. We are teaching some
good individuals. I am really hoping to find more families though.

I was on division with Elder Farrington on Thanksgiving Day. We were a
little trunky. Thanksgiving isn´t celebrated here. I sure missed the
Turkey, mashed potatoes, stuffing, even the broccoli casserole. But we
taught a cool lesson to recent converts in his area. We explained the
concept of Thanksgiving to them and asked them to share what they are
thankful for. They were baptized a few months ago and it basically
turned into a testimony meeting. they are going through a bunch of
trials right now and it is amazing to see how the Gospel is helping
them so far. If this stuff had happened before joing the Church I
don´t think they would be holding together as a family. It was really
nice. Elder Farrington shared a cool thing a seminary teacher he had
did for Thanksgiving. He gave each class member a hard candy and told
them that when they kneel down to pray Thanksgiving night that they
should start sucking on candy and keep praying until the candy goes
dissolves. But they could only give thanks in the prayer. I really
liked the idea. I´m going to use it in the future.

Well It´s been a great week and I hope you all have a great one too. I
love you all so much. I´ll let you know about the Christmas call soon!

Elder McLelland

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