Monday, August 13, 2012

The last week! ahhhhhh! (July 23, 2012)

It´s really strange to be beginning my last week of normal work here in the mission. So many strange thoughts are passing through my head. I don´t really know what to think. It´s so exciting, sad, happy, intimidating, and scary all at once. But I´m going to take advantage of every last minute that I can.

Last week was pretty stressful. It was interrupted by a whole bunch of unexpected to travelling to Ribeirão Preto and other things to be taken care of. I am actually in Ribeirão right now. I should be heading back to Ararquara tonight. Last week was really good though despite the interruptions to the work. The Spirit makes such a huge difference in the work. Without it, we are absolutely nothing.

The Priesthood is such a real power. Before the mission I always believed in the priesthood, but I never had a major experience with it. But I have been thinking a lot these past few days about he experiences I have had with it. I have received several blessings of both health and comfort that have made a big difference in my life. I have also given a couple of health blessings that have stood out in my mind. The Spirit is really what leads us. The Priesthood it such an amazing tool to be able to serve others here on the Earth.

Well, I hope you all have a great week. I love you all so much!
Elder McLelland

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