Sunday, May 1, 2011

The last week of the transfer!!

This transfer has past by sooo fast! I can´t believe that next monday is already the start of a new transfer. Time goes by so fast on the mission. It has been a great transfer and hope for another great one...whatever happens. 

This last week was super busy. We had zone conference last wednesday so we had to wake up super early to get to Ribeirão Preto. But it was a fantastic conference. We learned a lot and had a great time. The focus was on our use of the Book of Mormon. It wasn´t any new material but reenforced our emphasis on the Book of Mormon in our teaching. It really strengthened my testimony. And the President has challenged us to all read the Book of Mormon completely next transfer. I´m super excited to do it. I love the Book of Mormon sooo much.

We also had to do a bunch of divisions as well. Elder Hepworth, being a district leader is involved with doing divisions to train the other companionship in our district. We also had to do divisions with our zone leaders to get baptismal interviews done. So I was on division for 3 of the days last week. It was pretty fun but I spent a lot of money on bus fares(fairs?....can´t spell English anymore). At least the buses here aren´t anything like Mike´s bus stories. No fish juice dripping on me. I spent one of the days with Elder Barnes, one of our zone leaders. He is hilarious and it was a super fun day. I also spent a day with Elder Shelley who is also a hoot. He is such a quiet and humble guy but when he speaks I´m always laughing. He is awesome.And the other day was with Elder Peterson from my group. I am still convinced that we are the best group to have entered into this mission. The rest of my group is a bunch of amazing missionaries. I hope to be as good as them some day.

I guess that about sums it up for the week. It was fantastic. A lot of ``correria´´, basically running around a lot. It always makes you feel good. And it looks like the week will be full of baptisms in the Zone. I hope you all have a good week. And Happy Easter yesterday! I hope you all were able to enjoy and use the time to reflect on the Savior. Here in Brazil being very Catholic, Thursday and Friday were also holidays that everyone had off. Unfortunately Brazil uses Easter to get drunk and for a lot of members of other faiths to do their twice yearly Church visits. No one wanted to let us in to teach but it was a good time to reflect on all that the Savior has done for us. 

I love you all!

Elder McLelland 

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